Bone Health... Why Is It So Important?

If you’re young you may not worry about this so much but you really probably should. Breaking a bone when you’re elderly will have an enormous impact on your quality of life. And you don’t even have to have a bad fall to break a bone if you have osteoporosis. A minor bump could be all it takes. If you’re older and less steady on your feet then your risk increases.

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Helen Wynne
Will Pilates Give Me a Six-Pack?

Aesthetics should not, for most people, be a priority. Of course we all want to look good, however, if we prioritize good nutrition and training our body in a way that makes it function well, aesthetic changes will be a welcomed side effect. True fact.

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Helen Wynne
Pilates is so boring!

I hear this a lot. And to be honest, I used to think the same.

Pilates is so incredibly boring, why would anyone in their right mind choose to do it?

Today I am a Level 3 Pilates Teacher and ‘boring’ is the very last word I would ever use to describe this incredible training method.

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Helen Wynne
My Story

I have not always been so passionate about health and fitness, especially my own. Never into sports as a child, I spent my early adult life completely addicted to junk food and my sofa. I looked and felt dreadful.

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Helen Wynne